Community Facilities

Community Hall

The Grenada Village community hall is situated in the children's play area in Mandeville Crescent.  The hall is modern and includes full kitchen facilities.

The hall is managed and administered by the Grenada Village Community Association Inc (GVCA) and is available for hire to residents of Grenada Village for a variety of activities.

Prime use of the hall by residents is for children's birthday parties, playgroup, family gatherings, meetings, dance and music lessons, craft groups, church groups, children's Christmas parties, and personal practice sessions. 

The income the GVCA receive from the hall covers the annual lease to Wellington City Council, insurance, electricity, gas heating, hall provisions and specific maintenance.  Any additional funds received contribute to the running of the GVCA. 

The cost of hiring the hall is on an hourly basis being $12.00 per hour for current financial members of the Grenada Village Community Association and $20.00 per hour for non-financial residents.

Due to the close proximity of houses, no adult parties are allowed unless under special arrangements.

Hall hire conditions under alert level 2 

Community Emergency Hub

The Grenada Village Community Hall is an official designated Community Emergency Hub under the auspices and support of the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO).

Community Emergency Hubs (formerly known as Civil Defence Centres) are pre-identified places for the community to coordinate their efforts to help each other during and after a disaster.  Community Emergency Hubs will be opened by people within their community, not official staff, when there is a need for the community to help itself, such as when there has been widespread infrastructural damage to buildings and roads, loss of lifelines (power, water, gas) or communication networks are down for extended periods. This is people helping people. WREMO have provided the hub with an Emergency Hub Kit that includes a radio to communicate with the official Emergency Operations Centre along with other necessary items including basic first-aid equipment, maps etc.  There are no caches of emergency supplies at Community Emergency Hubs. Included in the Hub Kit will be a copy of the Emergency Hub Guide which describes the most efficient way to run the Hub.  The old style Civil Defence Centres with their specific structures and responsibilities (and as a place of refuge) have now gone. 

As a community, resilience is not only the best tool to get through an event, but also to recover from it. The community has many of the skills and resources needed to help each other. The hub is also somewhere you can either bring information about what you have observed during or after a disaster, relay resources your community needs, or try and get some official information.

The Emergency Hub Guide can be found online at:

Tennis Courts

The two fully enclosed sealed tennis courts adjoin the community hall and are available to current financial members of the Community Association. These are not general public courts and are locked to prevent them from being misused, particularly by those from outside the area.  The Association is responsible and accountable for the management and administration of them, as well as some general maintenance. Twice a year we have a community working-bee to clean up the area in and around the courts. Access is provided by obtaining a key from the Association.

Current keyholders are:

  • Bruce Patterson Tel: 478 4221
  • William Nobelen  Tel: 478 1091
  • Barry Kooistra    Tel: 477 3472


The children's playarea contains modern and exciting play equipment that is imaginative and stimulating for children. The feature item installed for the older children is a 'Spida' climbing frame, while for the younger children there is 'The Boat' that has a fort and two slides (one a tube slide) and a number of other activities for the pre-schoolers.  There is also a ride-on bucket and a rocking horse on a spring, a swinging pole, a roundabout, and traditional swings.  The whole area is covered with special high grade safety matting.

Grenada Village - Play Area 1

Grenada Village - Play Area 2

The playarea is extremely popular and very well used.  It is regarded as the focal point of the community.

Emergency Water Tank

Included in a section of the playarea, beside the community hall is a 25,000 litre emergency water tank. The tanks are strategically placed, throughtout the city,to provide support to the city's network of reservoirs in the event of a major emergency.  Should the city's water supply be disrupted, the community would be able to directly collect drinking water from the tank until the water pipe network is repaired. 

The tanks are plumbed into the mains so that they are full at all times with potable water.  Also, they are sited to enable tanker access for refilling if normal supply is not possible after an emergency.

Access to the water is by an attachable distribution manifold which will be kept in the hall along with instructions for its use.  The committee of the GVCA and a number of residents have been trained in accessing the water. All emergency services are also trained on accessing the tanks as well.

The tanks are maintained by the City Council and Wellington Water. Every four months the water is sampled and laboratory tested for quality etc ...

Mark Avenue Park/Sportsfield

The Mark Avenue fields are situated on the western side of Mark Avenue.  The park is split over two levels. 

Access to the top field is from Mark Avenue while access to the lower park is either via a path past the top park or from the southern end of Buccaneer Place.  The top field is used for organised primary school weekend sport.  It is also used for sports practices by the community and others for a variety of sports. 

The lower park is an open-space passive park with no specific organised sport being held. It is used by the community as a general recreational area for a variety of family activities. Some of these include kite flying, golf practice, model
aircraft, dog obedience, ball skills, jogging and general exercise, and other family related times.

Seton Nossiter Park

Seton Nossiter Park is a Wellington City Council protected natural reserve nestled in the steep gullies between the surrounding suburbs of Grenada Village, Paparangi and Woodridge.

The main entrance to the park is from Mark Avenue in Grenada Village where there is a parking area and a service road down into the main valley floor.  Other entrances are available from Bushland Grove in Paparangi and Colchester Avenue in Newlands.

The park is of high importance as a recreational area and as a critical component of an ecological corridor that links the Belmont Reserve on the western hills of Lower Hutt with the reserves in the northern suburbs and the Tawa basin.

Seton Nossiter Park has regenerating native bush and a remnant titoki/tawa forest on the valley floor.  A major tributary of the Porirua Stream runs through it, providing habitat for native fish. The park is long and narrow, with steep hills on both sides covered with native bush and a rewarewa forest on the slopes.  This provides a sheltered environment for many native birds, including a large population of kereru, tui, fantail, and kinfisher. Many other species have been seen including the waxeye, morepork, and the grey warbler.  Bell-birds have been heard.  The regeneration and propagation of the seedlings of the titoki/tawa forest currently taking place beneath the trees, is of great importance to its restoration.

Seton Nossiter Park provides established walkways through the valley with opem-space areas, streams, and several informal picnic spots.  The gully provides a haven of natural atmosphere with an unadulterated environment that is excellent for recreational use.  It is enjoyed and used for a variety of activities and purposes by a great number of people. Due to its low lying nature to the surrounding hills it is very sheltered and has its own micro-climate.

The Belmont Stream meanders through the park and needs to be crossed many times by foot bridges before reaching the traditional picnic site at the mid-point of the park.

Seton Nossiter Park is also an official dog exercise area.  The on-lead area is from the car park in Mark Avenue down the path to the valley floor.  The off-lead area is the valley floor up to the stream crossing beside the titoki/tawa grove.  Further on from this point reverts back to on-lead.

The Seton Nossiter Park Working Group and Woodridge Planters assist the Wellington City Council in maintaining the park. They carry out planting programmes to enhance the native vegetation and complete other restoration work. They also ensure there is community input into the management of the park and have advocated for improved facilities (access, parking, tracks, signs, seating etc.)  Over the years more than 24,000 native trees/plants have been planted.  This not only enhances the natural environment, it also contributes to the greening of the local area.  The maintenance program involves the controlling of weeds, protecting planting, supporting natural vegetation and the general welfare of the overall park.  


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